SDG Initiatives

A. SDG Mainstreaming Initiative : the creation of SDG Corner 2020 and launch of SDG Talk Series

To build internal capacity in advancing campaigns and programs aimed towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals, MSU-IIT continues to mainstream SDGs through a funded extension program dubbed as “MSU-IIT SDG Mainstreaming Initiative”.

The initiative aims to accelerate the university's mainstreaming of the SDGs by creating an online and offline space where SDG-related materials are made available, and SDG-related events and activities can be held. It also aims to provide MSU-IIT students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to understand and address the SDG's challenges and participate in the co-creation of learning environments and opportunities that support them.

As one of the SDG Mainstreaming initiatives in MSU-IIT, the SDG Corner 2020 in the University was established as an avenue to increase awareness of the youth about the SDG and provide opportunities to make meaningful contributions in advancing them through providing a space that serves as:

B. Establishment of WE CARE Office and WE CARE Program

The WE CARE Office is an integral unit of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs dedicated to the promotion, development and conduct of extension programs and services within and outside the immediate environs of MSU - Iligan Institute of Technology. The WE CARE program is a UNSDGs-Based Extension Framework.

For more information visit

General Objectives

1. To carry out extension services meaningful to the partner communities through studies designed to identify needs and opportunities for community development.

2. To provide appropriate technologies, values, and skills for a productive community.

3. To establish and sustain institutional linkages and networking with other private and public agencies through project/program cooperation and complementation. 


WE CARE aims to deliver effective and responsive extension services that will enable the people to improve their quality of lives towards sustainable development.